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  • Histórico
Flowfit CCA250 - Flow assembly for disinfection processes

Flow assembly
Flowfit CCA250

Assembly for chlorine measurement in drinking, industrial, and pool water

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Especificações resumidas

  • Process temperature

    max. 45°C

  • Process pressure

    max. 4bar

Campo de aplicação

The Flowfit CCA250 flow assembly is specially designed to accommodate all sensors needed for accurate disinfection control - the chlorine sensor and the pH/ORP sensors for compensation and measurement. It increases the availability of sensors and offers an integrated flow alarm and adjustment to make sure that your bypass measurement is always operational. With CCA250, you have complete control of your disinfection processes and the water is always free of germs.

CCA250 is a flow assembly for the measurement of free chlorine, total chlorine and chlorine dioxide in:

  • Drinking water
    - Trace and standard measurement in process water and distribution networks
    - Monitoring, control and optimization of disinfection processes

  • Utilities of all industries
    - Trace and standard measurement in all disinfection applications
    - Process applications, e.g. bottle rinsing machines

  • Pool water


  • All sensors needed for disinfection measurement comfortably in one place

  • Suitable for all disinfection processes - free chlorine, chlorine dioxide, total chlorine and others

  • Cap screwed from below allows calibration of the pH and ORP sensors without sensor removal

  • Flow alarm can be activated

  • Needle valve to adjust the flow and flow meter for optical control

  • Produtos simples

  • Fácil de escolher, instalar e operar

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  • Produtos padrão

  • Confiável, robusto e baixa manutenção

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  • Produtos com tecnologia de ponta

  • Altamente funcional e prático

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  • Produtos especializados

  • Desenvolvidos para aplicações exigentes

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Versões FLEX Excelência técnica Simplicidade
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Versão Fundamental

Atende suas necessidades básicas de medição

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  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Versão Lean

Lida com seus principais processos facilmente

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  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Seleção Extended

Otimiza seus processos com tecnologias inovadoras

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  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Versão Xpert

Controla suas aplicações mais difíceis

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