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  • Histórico

Enhanced safety in polymer production

Leakage detection in the Ziegler-Natta Process

For the highly exothermic polymerization reactions in the Ziegler-Natta process, precise temperature measurement is crucial to prevent runaway reactions and to ensure safety and efficiency of the process. Furthermore it is essential to avoid an undetected leakage in the thermowell, as this can be an enormous risk to life and limb for the operating personnel if the instrument were to be opened for maintenance.

Chemical plant ©Adobe Stock/Mulderphoto


  • Second process seal: a special thermometer neck tube provides a second seal, preventing the toxic medium from penetrating the connection head.

  • Leakage signaling: the failure of the thermowell is reported to the control system via a pressure switch.

  • Easy maintenance: the thermometer assembly works with standard measuring inserts that can be regularly tested, calibrated or replaced.

The challenge

A proof test is crucial for safety-critical temperature measuring points per SIL standards, covering the temperature transmitter and measuring insert, but excludes thermowell integrity inspection. If the thermowell fails, the medium may enter the thermometer and rise into the connection head, posing a danger during proof tests. Regular thermowell inspections require system shutdowns and can still risk leaks, potentially needing plant evacuation.

Our solution

iTHERM ModuLine TM131 with Dual Seal technology addresses these challenges by providing a second process barrier and signaling thermowell failures.

  • Produtos simples

  • Fácil de escolher, instalar e operar

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  • Produtos padrão

  • Confiável, robusto e baixa manutenção

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  • Produtos com tecnologia de ponta

  • Altamente funcional e prático

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  • Produtos especializados

  • Desenvolvidos para aplicações exigentes

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Versões FLEX Excelência técnica Simplicidade
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Versão Fundamental

Atende suas necessidades básicas de medição

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  • X

Versão Lean

Lida com seus principais processos facilmente

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  • X

Seleção Extended

Otimiza seus processos com tecnologias inovadoras

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  • X

Versão Xpert

Controla suas aplicações mais difíceis

Excelência técnica
