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Purisys CPF201 - Compact analog pH sensor for pure and ultrapure water

Analog pH sensor
Purisys CPF201

Compact electrode for power and life sciences industries

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  • Measuring principle


  • Application

    Ultra pure water (<100µS/cm); power plants

  • Characteristic

    Bypass measurement system made of stainless steel with gel electrode and salt storrage for measurements in ultra pure water.

  • Measuring range

    pH 1-13 (<100µS/cm)

  • Measuring principle

    Glass-gel compact electrode with PTFE diaphragm and salt (KCl) storrage

  • Design

    Electrode in stainless steel boundary surface installed in a stainless steel flow assembly for potential free measurements in ultrapure water with lowest conductivity.

  • Material

    Glass, stainless steel

  • Dimension

    Installation on a plate (305 mm x 305 mm).
    (11.89 inch x 11.89 inch)

  • Process temperature

    2°C - 75°C
    (36°F - 167°F)

  • Process pressure

    max. 3 bar
    (43.5 psi)

  • Temperature sensor

    Optional with integrated Pt100 oder Pt1000.

  • Connection

    TOP68 connection head or fixed cable connection.

  • Ingress protection
