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Safe and cost-effective aeration control

Using online analysis can improve performance

The combination of oxygen, ammonium and nitrate measurement with load-dependent aeration control can help operators to improve plant performance through reducing emissions and improving safety and energy efficiency.

Aeration Control Solution ©Endress+Hauser


  • Significant improvement of process efficiency in nitrification/denitrification and lower energy consumption

  • Greater lifetime of sensor and reduced maintenance due to Memosens technology

  • Simple to configure multiple analytical parameters thanks to the Liquiline CM44 platform and Memosens technology

Your Challenge

Reliable removal of COD and nutrient load is essential. This makes efficient plant operation necessary in order to allow oxygen input and non-aerated periods to finalize the Nitrogen removal through denitrification. Monitoring the exact amount of the aeration’s energy consumption is critical to managing overall energy costs effectively. Reliable limit compliance and energy efficiency are important factors in a wastewater treatment plant’s operation.

Mid-sized and even small plants have to meet stringent regulations, creating a demand for smart sensor and control solutions. Low-maintenance analytical measurements that are highly reliable, repeatable, and responsive are often challenging for a plant operator to obtain.

Your Demand

Our Solution

Endress+Hauser offers outstanding analytical measurement solutions for wastewater plants:

  • Simple handling of different online analysis parameters

  • Transmitter platform concept

  • Reduced maintenance and easy calibration with digital Memosens sensors

  • Continuous and fast measurement of nutrients

  • Reagent-free ion-sensitive (ISE) sensor

Our Solution 2

Endress+Hauser offers a smart aeration control solution – Liquicontrol CDC80:

  • Liquicontrol CDC80:- Blower control in biological treatment stages for activated sludge processing and flocculent dosing pump control

  • Remote access to real-time measurement data for downloading and monitoring

  • Parameter adjustment and status monitoring of each active controller

A wide service portfolio also supports our customers in ensuring plant performance and reliability

From sensor to solution

  • Liquiline CM44 multiparameter transmitter with Memosens technology for aeration control: Optical oxygen sensor (COS61D), ISE sensor (CAS40D), pH/ORP sensor (CPS16D), and turbidity sensor (CUS51D)

  • Liquicontrol solution (CSC80) for load-based aeration control of the aeration basin and/or phosphate precipitation

  • Reduced maintenance and easy calibration with digital Memosens sensors

  • Engineering, commissioning, training and maintenance support